The final online meeting 31.8.2021
The final online meeting was held on the last day of the project, 31.8.2021. All partners attended the meeting and the last bits and pieces were discussed. The partners presented how their piloting had been done in their countries and showed images from their multiplier events. Discussions around the final paperwork and reporting for the project was conducted and explained. All the partners are happy with the outcome of the project outputs and each partner now has a new product to disseminate in the future that is linked to the City Quiz & Walk project as well as their home city and can be used as a recreational activity at trainings and as a cultural addition at other transnational meetings for new projects as well. It is bitter sweet to say goodbye to the partners, but we look forward to new opportunities with our new friends and colleagues in the future.
Update at the end of the project July 2021
The project is a fun, engaging, interactive phone app development designed to enhance immigrants, expats, and students’ cultural education. It began in September 2019 and is due for completion in September 2021. City Quiz and Walk project, coordinated by Learnmera, is in its final stages of development. In the scope of the project, extensive research on mobile phone apps and gamified education has been conducted, and the development of apps for Helsinki, Paris, Vilnius, Lisbon and Athens has been completed. Now the project has reached its final stage of external pilot testing for the mobile apps.
The fun to use gamified education value is unquestionable, and the quiz and quest questions are informative to the local and the visitor alike. The pilot testing ensures that the app experience is of high quality, glitch-free and unhindered by errors.
All multiplier events for the phone app cities Vilnius, Paris Lisbon and Athens have taken place in August. The final multiplier event marking the launch of City Quiz-Helsinki is scheduled for Tuesday, August 31 at Apollo Street Bar, Mannerheimintie 16, Helsinki, from 17:00 – 19:00. The event is expected to draw 20 guests from the public, where refreshments and snacks will be served.
May 2021
This spring with the Covid-19 restrictions, made our lives a bit more difficult as no travel was allowed. However it gave us a good opportunity to concentrate on our project. Learnmera has uploaded all the content received from the partners and all the partners have been working on internally testing their apps, and correcting content in the admin panel. We are excited to be able to go live with all the City Quiz & Walk apps soon and then conduct the piloting for the project before launching the apps officially. Everyone is looking forward to a nice long summer holiday soon and hopefully being able to have the last transnational meeting in person in Athens in the autumn.
Kick-off Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal – September 2019
The kick-off meeting for City Quiz & Walk was held at e-Futuro’s premises in Lisbon on Saturday 21st of September 2019. The partners had a chance to get to know each other and presented their institutions. The project was discussed and the partners had a brainstorming session with ideas for the city quiz apps we will be creating during this project. Output one, research on other offline city walks and online city quizzes in the partner’s own languages and countries will be the first step of the project that will be finalized in November 2019. The partnership consists of Finland (coordinator), Portugal, France, Lithuania and Greece.